Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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Love your Money Honey! How in 15 minutes a day you change your story.

I want you to read the next few words very carefully, with great intent, like your life could change by reading the sentence.

You are powerful.  You alone can change your life.  All you need is already inside of you.

The reason I know this?

Because you and me, we’re the same.  Made from the same funky bits of energy called atoms, we’ve both been given minds and emotions.  Those two things – your gorgeous and amazing brain and your bountiful emotions are the key to transform.

Your thoughts create your beliefs which generate the emotions that create your reality.


Changing your thoughts can unleash a tsunami of transformation. 

I have proof.  In fact, I am the proof.

Six months ago, I sat at my computer in utter despair, fear had me by throat, and I was panicked.  I’ve struggled with a lack mentality for the past few decades, although in my twenties it never was an issue.  However, my lack thoughts were manifesting in my savings account as a whole lot of nothing.
It was time to move beyond the internal pep talk and take some serious action.  This woman couldn’t live on $250 in her savings- it was giving me heart palpitations and night sweats.  Besides, washing my sheets all the time was getting old.

I’d heard and read about various “Law of Attraction” practices. 

If you’re not familiar with the concept, it says that you attract what you focus your thoughts on. Since I was focusing on what I didn’t have – I just kept getting more of nothing.  Rotten cycle.  So, worry attracst worry- lack attracts more lack.  Flipping it around- change your thought to a positive one, in the present moment, and you’re golden.

The key is consistency.  I heard that it takes 100,000 attempts to master a new skill.  Reprogramming your brain- a new skill.

It was time to get serious- I’ve had enough of worry, waiting to buy groceries, going without so I could give my girls all they needed.  I’m worthy of abundance and so are YOU.

I bought a journal and began a new habit.

Every day, yes, everyday without fail, for six months I did the following.  Didn’t matter if I was traveling, so dog tired I just wanted to skip a step.  No- I committed to myself that I deserve more.

My new thought that was sending lack crawling away with its tail between its legs.

I have more money than I’ll ever need.

I wrote it in my journal 25 times a day.
I said it out loud 25 times a day.
I thought it 25 times a day.

Without fail for 6 months (this equaled that magic 100,000 number)- rain, shine, blizzards, exhaustion, when I brushed my teeth, driving in the car.  Any time my mind tried to latch back onto my lack thought, I’d be aware, not judge myself for falling into my old habit, and then I’d immediately replace that thought with my new mantra- I have more money than I’ll ever need.  It became so ingrained that now every time I brush my teeth, my brain automatically starts reciting.

After the first few weeks, things began to shift. 

Money came to me in unexpected ways- clients came that weren’t on my radar, ideas for classes, opportunities to speak at conferences.  The shift started happening, all because I chose a new way to think about my money situation.

To add a little zing to the process- I made sure to say THANK YOU to the Universe.  Each time something happened- big or small (five dollar bill on the sidewalk-Yes!), I sent my gratitude out into the world. 

This is key, because it’s your emotions that attract. 

Remember your thoughts create beliefs that generate emotions that create your reality.   

As my thoughts changed, new abundance flowed in, by acknowledging it and came to believe I had more money that I needed and then I was grateful, welcoming more of that wonderful green stuff into my life.

It works.

 I’m proof. 

Six months later, I now have just shy of $5,000 in savings.  My mind is blown, what about yours?

I was smart enough to employ some strategies once the cash started rolling in.  I tithe 10% into my savings account.  I set up an account just for fun spending, so I don’t feel deprived and depraved (and I spend from it- just bought a new pair of white summer kicks).  I focus on what I’ve received every day and say thanks, feeling the gratitude ooze through me.

The really cool part?

This works for stuff besides money.

Do you want a new romantic partner? A new job? A better relationship with someone?  Weight loss?

Try these affirmations on for size:

  • I am open to receiving more love in my life or I am attracting my ideal partner

  • I am attracting the perfect job for my skills

  • My relationship with whose it is improving every day

  • I am embracing my body, which is at its ideal weight

Your thoughts create your beliefs that generate the emotions that create your life.

So, what are you waiting for?  What’s one thing you want to have shift in your life?  Go on now, go buy your journal and check in with me in 6 months!

P.S.  Want to hear more about my journey?  Interested in trying it yourself, but think you need someone to help you along the way? 

Contact me at