Kismet Spiritual Life Coaching

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How to ask for what you want

It finally happened!

Mind you, I haven’t been searching and scouring all the ends of the Earth just to find one.  But I have on occasion diligently spent time sitting and picking through the bright green, wishing I could find just one.

A four leaf clover.

I love the symmetry, the mystique, the fact that in numerology the number four represents safety, stability and a solid foundation (all of which I crave).  Plus, if you find one without looking, it’s supposed to be lucky!

Perri and I were on our morning stroll and she stopped to make a deposit.  As I got ready to be a responsible pet owner, baggie in hand, I thought “Wouldn’t it be awesome to find a four leaf clover.”  Just like that, boom a thought, out of the blue.

Looking down I immediately focused on a small spec of green.  I could feel my own eyes widen as my next thought was, “no fricking way.”  There she was in all her four leafed glory, shining like a spotlight was on her and maybe it was. 

I bent over whispering a prayer of gratitude for this lovely little gift and plucked her from the ground.  Then I coddled her all the way home, instead of shoving her in my pocket like the little bits of stone and crystals I usually find.

What left me in awe wasn’t this sweet little bit of green, but how incredibly easy it was for me to get her.  No sitting in a field for hours (been there and done that), but simply giving voice to my desire, without expectation or entitlement, just because I thought having a four leaf clover would be super nifty.  And it is!

As Perri and I continued, her sniffing all the glorious smells down at her level and me reflecting on my brilliant find, I came to a bit of an epiphany or perhaps a lost bit of truth. 

It’s easy to ask for something for others.  You pray for good things to happen for you kids or friends, and you’re direct about it, no beating around the bush.  You reverently ask that a dear friend to be healed from cancer, that your son aces his math test, or that you husband nails his presentation. 

But what about you?

If you’re like me, you don’t always directly ask for what you want. You may hint around the edges, but never really look your desire straight in the face and say, “I choose you.”  It’s as if there’s some unwritten rule or misguided assumption that to ask for what you truly want is just not done or even a bit selfish.

Here’s the rub, if you aren’t clear on what you want, you won’t get it.  If you’re all wishy washy, how’s the Universe supposed to know what you’re thinking.  It’s like wanting a Porsche, but when asked saying you’d like a car that handles well, so you end up with a Kia.  Yay you! You got a car, but it wasn’t exactly what you wanted.  And instead of saying WTF- you simply accept your Kia and look longingly at your supple driving gloves.


It’s time to get with the Program as the Universe created it.

Ask for what you want. 

Be clear and precise.

Know your heart’s desire and don’t be afraid to own it.

As you make you wants and wished known, there a few things you need to know.

Ask with an open heart and not from a place of fear or entitlement.  When you’re down in the muck, scared, feeling entitled, your ask isn’t coming from a place of love.  It’s mired in lower energy and negativity and the Universe will respond with the same energy and you won’t get what you desire.

It’s tricky business.  You need to ask without expectation that your request will met.  Just send it out into the ether shrouded in love and know that you’ve been heard.

You will receive.  You may not get what you want immediately- the timing may not be right for you and you’ll need patience and time to grow while your desire is being manifested.

Your ask may not show up.  This isn’t because you haven’t been heard.  But because something better’s coming your way.  When you ask without expectation, you open the door for the Universe to send you something that’s so kick ass you never even imagined it existed.

Something like a magical, mystical four leaf clover.