The Gifts within a Crisis

Last night I was sitting on my sofa, all cozy under my favorite turquoise throw with Perri warming my feet with her sweet little head.  I was listening to a good friend talk about how her life had changed these past few weeks. She’s in the health care industry and her energy is low.  Anxiety about patient care, staffing, and potential furloughs are her everyday themes, but through it all she’s showing up and doing the best she can.

As we visited, she shared something she heard during a podcast.  “We’re all being given a clean slate.”

During all the overwhelm, anxiety, fear, and uncertainty, there’s a thread of renewal that is connecting everyone.

I see neighbors I’ve never seen before outside playing with their kids or walking their dogs.  People are sending hope to one another via social media or hearts in windows.  People are taking the time to have meals with their families, do puzzles, create art and just be together.   

It’s like the whole world has re-discovered what it’s like to be present.

Being present means that you focus only on what’s happening in the moment at that moment.

It’s an opening up of the heart and soul to fully connect with others, nature, and your inner self.

It’s your best offense against any negative emotions that are trying to hijack your life.

It’s one of the gifts being given during this time.

The blank slate is a reset. 

We’ve been given this time to reset our lives and discover what life’s truly about- connection.

My friend asked asked me, “What do you think people will do with their blank slate after this is all over? Do you think everyone will go back to the hustle of life, the busyness or not paying attention to what matters most, does everyone rejoin the rat race?”

Great question.

One you should ask yourself.

What are the gifts you’re going to carry forward into your life in a post COVID-19 world?  What are you going to hang onto and continue doing?

You know, I love a good list.  So, I’m going to share a few of mine and hope they spark with you.

My gifts:

  • I’ll look at my fellow human beings as people.  Not skirt by them but acknowledge and connect.  I’ll greet the cashier/server/worker with a smile and look her in the eye, seeing her humanity.

  • I’ll relish the physical connection to my family and friends.  Every hug will last a few seconds more and my phone will be muted so I just absorb what makes them so special.

  • I’ll continue to work smarter, not harder.  Focusing on the task at hand, so I can feel not only a sense of accomplishment but be able to reward myself with time for self care: the walk, painting, reading, time with my family and friends.  Success is about balance, not killing myself for a job.

  • I’ll say yes more.  Yes, to new opportunities, trips, getting a cup of coffee, discovering new talents and places.  Yes, will be my go to move.  If it fills my heart and soul- I’m in.

  • I’ll continue to lean on my faith.  I’ll fear less and trust more.  I’ve experienced so many miracles these past weeks, that I’m overwhelmed by them.  I see so clearly the Divine’s hand in my life, and when everything hits the fan again (which it will) I’ll know that I’m supported.

These are the gifts I’ll carry forward.  They come from the lessons I’ve learned and the experiences I’ve had.  Am I happy the pandemic occurred?  No, but I’m grateful for the gifts.