What to do when you've been triggered.

4 times in one week.

There’s a message for me in this, and I’m not overly happy about it.  More resigned, with a big sigh that says “seriously?”

I’ve been triggered 4 times in one week- all different events, but each causing me to feel doubt, anger, frustration, and uncertainty.

5 hours on tech support triggered my feelings of inadequacy and stupidity.

Someone dissing the importance of my work because I’m self employed trigger my feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness.

A man yelling at me because I yelled for him to call off his dogs that were charging mine triggered my feelings of frustration at not being seen and heard.

The bank holding thousands of dollars of my money for 10 days before allowing it to be deposited triggered my feelings of insecurity and lack of support.

Yeah- it’s been quite the ride lately.

The funny thing about triggers is that we never know when one might set us off, but we certainly know when we’ve been triggered.  There’s a frustration and helplessness as a more basic instinctual response rises up.  And we’re left reeling from a flood of lower emotions that leave us feeling disoriented, ashamed, and extremely vulnerable.

A trigger is the Universe’s way of telling us we have an unhealed story.

There’s a lesson we need to learn, a story that needs to be released, or a wound that needs to be healed before we can move forward.

Instinctively I know this, but my mind continues to say, “this is a load of crap.”

When ignored, these stories or lesson continue to be brought to our attention through triggers. 

Ignorance in this case doesn’t equal bliss, just more triggers.

So, what’s this girl or you to do?

If possible, before you react (and yell at whoever is triggering you- been there- it doesn’t help) take a breath and let all the emotions leave or at least diminish on your exhale.  The one thing you always have control over is your own reaction to any situation or person.  You can choose to fly off the handle or take a beat.

First step not possible? You went right into your reactive and oh so not positive response?  That’s okay.  You’re entitled to your feelings- the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Once the negative energy begins to clear, reflect on what happened.  Not in a critical way but be as objective as possible.  Don’t feel shame at your reaction- you’re human and we all lose it.

Try to move past the obvious reason for your trigger (the guy on tech support was an idiot) to a deeper level.  What did you feel when you were triggered? When have you felt this way before?  Can you trace it back to a moment in time when your wound was created?

I can tell you that my 4 triggers this week ALL come back to the same issue for me.  I also know when they start showing up in droves, the Universe is telling me I need to deal with it pronto, because I need to grow through these experiences to be ready for the next great thing.

Mine are all related to an old relationship that needs to be healed and let go, so I can be open and ready for a new and better one.  I’ve been working on this for months and I must be getting closer, because otherwise all these triggers wouldn’t be out in force.

That’s the silver lining, the rainbow, and magical unicorns of triggers.  They’re helping us heal, so we can grow and receive something even more wonderful. 

How do you begin to heal that old story or wound?

Put your attention on it.  Don’t push it under the rug for a different day because it will grow under there and then pop out when you least expect and want it.

I used this prayer to help my shine a light on my wounds.

Please Divine show me what I need to do to heal this old story so I can be open to what wonder is coming next. Thank you.

What’s next?

I meet every feeling from a place of love and welcome my healing.  I stay aware, practice self-compassion, and I trust that if I’m open to finally healing this old story and releasing it’s hold, the Universe will provide me with the means.

Life will never be trigger free, because we’re here to grow, discover and learn about ourselves.  But now, at least, I feel like I can meet them from a place of strength and not fear.