A new year intention tromps the tired, worn out resolution

It’s time to trash them all.  Take your goals, resolutions, and the almighty to-do list and toss them out!  Every single one of them is a wart on your existence.


They keep you feeling small, because if you don’t achieve that goal or cross off that all important item, you’re left feeling a failure.  It’s like you fell short of some finish line. A yard stick that keeps being moved, but without the forward progress.

Yes, you may feel great when that box is checked, but it’s usually a fleeting sensation that lasts a microsecond while you’re next thought is ‘what’s next?’

The hamster wheel ‘s not the place for you, my friend. You’re smarter than the that and know, deep in your soul that there’s a better way to live.

I know there’s power in making a list- I’m the classic list maker and I’m just as guilty and admit to the small thrill that races up my spine when I see all the boxes checked.  But this is not living, this is just organization. 

Your life is about being, not doing.

Read that again and let it sink deeply into your soul.

Life is about being, not doing.

There’s no trophy at the end, for the woman who did it all. There may be other rewards such as exhaustion, frustration, and the sense that you missed the point of it all.

There’s a better way.  A more purposeful and fulfilling way to manifest the life you want.  One full of connection, meaning, and a sense of awe.

You can access it easily with this powerful tool. 

Your intention.

Unlike goals and resolutions, your intention taps into your inner self.  It harvests your desire at the core of who you are and it’s simple.

You focus your attention on who and how you want to BE and not what you want to DO or achieve.  Because when you focus on how you want to be, then the accomplishments, goals, and dreams easily flow into your life without additional effort on your part. You become part of the flow, not paddling up stream. like all get out. to just move a few yards at a time.

I started playing around with intentions a few years ago, when I came out of a year that left me feeling stuck, drained and unsure of what I wanted from live.  I knew I had to make a shift, something had to give or I was headed for severe burnout, plus my anxiety was amping up like a runaway freight train.

The questions I asked myself were, “Kirstin, who do you want to be? How do you want this shift to make you feel? What needs to fall away, so this shift can happen?”

I wanted to be connected, to feel secure and safe, and what needed to fall away was this pervasive independence that signal to everyone that I didn’t need them, that I was just fine on my own- thank you very much.

So, I set an intention.  It was simply this, “This year I’m willing to be a better receiver.”

The moment I put my focus on how I wanted to be, it was like shining a spotlight for the Universe to find me.  My own personal Bat Signal, a way to direct Divine guidance and miracles right to my doorstep.

However, determining your intention is just the first step.  It needs to be worked and nourished, otherwise it’s just a wishful thought.  How do you put your intention to work? By focusing positive attention and energy on it.

You’ll need to follow your intuition on what this looks like for you.

For me, I took these four steps.

1.       I woke up every day and said my intention out loud. Then every time I felt alone, disconnected, unsupported or unsafe, I’d get myself off that crazy train, by repeating my intention.  It became my constant companion, a trusted friend, always there when I needed it.

2.       I kept a journal about all the things I received each day.  A compliment, a free cup of tea, the row of green lights when I was running late, a friend’s phone call when I was feeling down.  This was amazing because I started to notice how connected I was, that I was supported, and it opened me up to receiving even more into my life every day.

3.       I balanced my receiving with giving. I gave compliments, treated friends to coffee, showed up and was present with my family and friends by leaving distractions and checking my own baggage at the door.  The added bonus? I felt abundant in a different way, that was even more fulfilling.

4.       I got out of my own way, let go of all expectations, and surrendered my intention to the Universe.  I had tried it on my own with my lists, goals, and resolutions and it tanked BIG TIME.  Instead, I surrendered any outcomes (the doing part) and made space for the Universe to surprise me.  And boy howdy did it!

I’ve used this practice for the past few years and am never disappointed when December 31st rolls around.  Nope, it’s just the opposite- as the end of the year counts down and I take time to reflect, I tap into how I am, what I feel, what’s manifested that I could never have dreamed of.

 And as I breathe, I think yes, this is the life I want.