Posts tagged lving a better life
One easy and painless step to living a better life

Sacrifice can be healthy.

I never thought about it this way until Dr. Robert Holden penned these words in his weekly newsletter. He was talking about Lent, the ritual of giving up something for the weeks proceeding Easter, and how most of us choose to sacrifice things we really don’t want to give up such as chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, etc. He pointed out that most people fail at this commitment because they’re trying to give up something they really don’t want to and will just go back to eating or doing the day after Easter.

Instead, he suggests that Lent should be a time to look at what’s not working in your life. And that to change your life, you have to be willing to sacrifice what isn’t working for something better. I want better, don’t you? Better sounds great, thrilling, and much more enticing than being stuck.

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