8 things the pandemic can't steal from you

There are times when I feel like I’ve fought the good fight.

And then there’s the moment when fatigue seeps deep into my bones, and I want to concede defeat.

It’s been 10 months.

That’s a long time.

I miss warm hugs, not having to worry if my mask is with me, and meeting friends for coffee – where I want and when I want. 

I’m tired of hearing the fear in my mom’s voice, sitting in my home office chair for hours on end, and talking about the virus.

I’m sick of the frigging pandemic.  But I’m not going to let it steal from me.  I’m not going to let it define my any piece of my life.  Yes- I want it done and gone, but I know it will leave an imprint.

Here’s my list of things COVID-19 can’t steal away from me.

1.       Connection.  I refuse to let the virus cut me off from the people I love.  It may not be ideal but zoom and social distancing have become my best friends.  Yes- I yearn for big squishy hugs, but I’m going to use everything at my disposal to let the people I love know I want to be with them- even the illustrious snail mail.

2.       Gratitude.  Even in the middle of a pandemic – I’m so grateful.  My family is healthy, I have food on the table, a roof over my head, and somewhat fashionable clothes on my back (yoga pants and a sweatshirt- the official uniform of the pandemic).  Every night I review my day, saying thanks for both the big and little things that make my life better.

3.       Safety.  I refuse.  Yep, refuse to live in fear of getting the virus.  I know it’s real- I’m not sticking my head in the sand and denying it’s tremendous and tragic impact on the world.  But I can do everything in my power to protect my physical safety and protect my mental health too.  I’ve shut down the news, I don’t watch the press conferences, I limit my time with people who have let it over run their daily lives.

4.       Joy.  I embrace joy wherever I find it.  I have my girls home more than any other time in history- this time is a gift.  Found moments.  I’m enjoying our additional time together at the dinner table, bingeing shows, and making coffee runs.  For the first time ever, they want to run errands with me (what!?!)

5.       Discovery.  I know so many women who have decide to try something new.  I fulfilled a long term bucket list item and learned to knit.  I suck, but I’m just starting out and although my knitting has holes and isn’t perfectly even (more trapezoidal), it’s okay.  Because it’s about the being and not the doing. 

6.       Lessons.  Boy howdy has the pandemic taught me a bunch of lessons.  Many I didn’t even know I needed to learn.  I’ve learned to be less of a technophobe and how to use, and yes, even embrace all the new fangles ways of connecting.  I’ve also discovered that I need to organize my time better, take my lunch breaks, and not get sucked into checking my email every 10 minutes because it’s a productivity suck. I’ve learned to slow down and be more present.

7.       Trust.  This is a biggie. The past 10 months has shown me that I don’t need to let fear take over my life.  If I trust in myself, in others, and in my higher power- I’ll be okay.  In fact, I’ll be better than okay- I’ll be supported and loved.  Trust is about releasing the need to control and when your world feels like it’s a tilt-a-whirl, the best thing to do is to surrender and trust.  It brings such relief and opens you up for better solutions.

8.       Love.  I left the big kahuna for last on my list.  The pandemic has divided the world through blame, doubt, and fear.  Neighbors and friends with different opinions and alternative views are cutting themselves off from one another.  At some point the pandemic will come to an end and what will be left in it’s wake?  Love is about acceptance and understanding. We may not agree on a number of things, but I’ll always choose to see through the lens of Love.  To be accepting, understanding, and compassionate.  I won’t let judgement, negativity and fear rule this world.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I wrote a couple of blogs about how the corona virus was impacting my life.  It’s always fascinating to look back to see how far you’ve come.  You can read them by click the links below.

Your superpower against COVID-19

That weird feeling you can’t name- it’s grief

The gifts within a crisis

I’d love to hear what the virus won’t steal from you. You can comment below or email me here.

P.S. Spread a little love to a world that desperately needs it- please share this blog!